
St. Tropez, Côte d' Azur [details]

St. Tropez Anything Goes!

St. Tropez's reputation precedes it. No matter what you might have heard about this amazing area--it's all true! Basically, anything goes! St. Tropez (pronounced 'san-tropay' by Europeans) is one of the world's most decadent wonders, sporting the best of restaurants, nightlife, beaches, shopping and beautiful people.

No one should miss visiting this famous (or, some might say, infamous!) locale, on the Southern Riviera, in their lifetime. Coastal cities such as Monte Carlo, Nice, Cannes and Marseille and further south to St. Tropez, make up the Côte d' Azur. The Côte d' Azur, meaning "Blue Coast", is wedged between Italy to the north, and Spain to the South. Made famous by world renowned actress, Bridgett Bardot in the 50's, its perfect weather and party atmosphere make St. Tropez a 'must do' destination getaway.

Fast Fact:
Saint-Tropez's port, at the beginning of the twentieth century, was mainly used for shipping and fishing. By the end of WW II (1944), the port was destroyed then rebuilt. An ideal location for Paris artists, writers and actors to set up shop during the summer months, St. Tropez garnered its reputation by the 1950s, as an eclectic area. Click above for more details...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is getting tiresome. Someone really should give poor Hilary her due, because the inane copy on St Tropez is so, so pathetic. Talk about murdering the language,or a subject. Who do we talk to in order to put poor Hilary out of her misery?